An Outcome Measurement Model: Is Your Agile Adoption Moving The Needle?

An Outcome Measurement Model: Is Your Agile Adoption Moving The Needle?
The Version One Annual State of Agile survey indicates that 94% of organizations are practicing Agile in one way, shape, or form. Thanks to the revolutionary shift towards a digital society, and the need to respond and innovate, organizations are investing exponential amounts in Agile adoptions.
But may I inquire what this investment has yielded besides an Agile label? Sadly, I found few organization leaders can produce concrete data to meet this ask, let alone articulate the gains. I am not talking about story points and velocity, but rather the measures that count and impact the bottom line.
After years of banging my head against the wall pushing organizations to become “more” Agile, I finally got smart and turned my coaching philosophy on its head. I now begin with the desired outcomes driving the adoption and identify both leading and lagging indicators to gauge whether the change initiative is moving the needle and impacting the bottom line. I have had success with this approach because it creates alignment, accountability, and quite frankly, feels more natural.
The approach has evolved into a four step model that can be easily articulated and understood. Join me for this interactive session, and learn how this outcome measurement model can help you start changing the conversation!

What should the Program Team Know
As agile coaches, we are well aware toxic culture and command and control leadership eat agile for breakfast. Unfortunately, the statistics state that this happens more often than not. The approach for the past 10 or so years has been to adopt frameworks, but that is starting to feel more and more like trying to jam a square peg into a round hole. Thanks to the “check the box” agile transformation mindset, I have seen millions and millions of dollars wasted. The results of these initiatives are nowhere close to the potential gains of an agile adoption. We have even reached a point where this flawed approach is starting to taint the term “agile.” As agilists trying to better the world of work and produce happier customers, we need to eat our own dog food and pivot. Simply put, there has to be a better approach
Recently, I have made more inroads with clients when starting with outcomes, and measuring them from the onset of the transformation. This forces alignment and helps weed out those resisting and looking to derail the efforts. I have formalized the approach to help others and created a simple 4 step model around it.
I have devoted a lot of time to this topic and I am very passionate about it. I want to tell my story so that frustrated change agents can start changing the conversation!

Track 2: Agile Lean Transformations