

Keynote Speaker

We are pleased to announce that our Keynote Speaker for the 2022 Central PA GIS Day will be Emily Mercurio, PhD, PG.

Emily Mercurio, PhD, PG (she/her) is the CEO and Co-Founder of CivicMapper, a geospatial technology development company that creates solutions for climate, infrastructure, and social equity using the power of modern mapping technologies.

Emily is a big thinker and a lifelong learner. She leverages 25 years of experience with Earth science data and mapping technologies for leading the development and application of CivicMapper’s products and services. She received a Bachelor of Science in Geoscience from Penn State, a Master of Science in Geology from Michigan Technological University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Geology from the University of Pittsburgh.

Emily’s career has focused on creating innovative and data-driven solutions to support decisions at the intersection of our natural and built environments. She is an experienced geoscientist and an expert in mapping, field geology, GIS, remote sensing, and the application of geospatial technology to solve real-world problems.

Emily is a licensed professional geologist in the state of Pennsylvania. She sits on the board of the Three Rivers Waterkeeper and the Pennsylvania State University Graduates of Earth and Mineral Science.