Secrets of the Successful Agile Program Manager

Harrisburg University

More and more technical teams have moved to Agile and while we hear of many success across the corporation. However we there is a gap in the knowledgebase to truly deliver Agile Programs at Scale. The program manager can make or break an Agile Program by following these key steps. 1. Provide line of site to Business Objectives 2. Implement multiple horizons of planning 3. Leverage Agile Risk/Opportunity Management 4. Ensure an Integrated Performance Measurement Baseline 5. Measure the right things (Product not People) 6. Make use of an Agile Program Management Tool 7. Continuously Measure and Improve based on KPIs 8. Ensure PMO is trained in Agile (Finance, Bus-ops, Contracts, sub-contracts, QA) The presentation will provide examples and patterns of program successes of multiple 100% award fee Agile programs.

Track 4: Portfolio and Enterprise Agile