Ron Plesco

Ron Plesco

KPMG, Principal

Ron is an internationally known information security and privacy attorney with 17 years experience in cyber investigations, compliance, information assurance, telecommunications, privacy, identity management, computer crime and emerging cyber threats and technology solutions. Ron joined KPMG in 2012 after a distinguished career in the private and sectors and is a frequent speaker nationally. Prior to joining KPMG, Ron was the CEO of the National Cyber Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA), where he managed the development of intelligence that led to over 400 worldwide cyber crime arrests in four years and prevented over $2 billion in fraud. Notable NCFTA intelligence-led arrests include Ghost Click, Anonymous, Coreflood and multiple online frauds.

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Cybersecurity Threat Assessment and Leaderships Responsibility to Mitigate Risk

Knowing the current cyber threat landscape can reduce the potential of a cyber breach in your organization. Learn about the National Cyber Forensic Training Alliance (NCFTA) in Pittsburgh Pa and the work they are doing to monitor and identify cyber threats confronting government and other organizations. Given the increasing challenges of cyber security, what are […]