About: Below, please find important information about the conference and the call for proposals. Please note that this call for proposals closes on December 3, 2021.
- Date & Location: February 16 & 17, 2022 | Held Virtually
- Conference Overview: We are pleased to announce that the Harrisburg University of Science and Technology is partnering with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the second annual Lean in Government Conference held virtually on February 16 & 17, 2021. The conference will focus on lean thinking to engage and empower employees to continuously improve customer service, and aim to learn how to create and sustain an overall “healthy government”.
- Format: All breakout sessions are 45 minutes, including a brief Q&A period at the end of the session. The keynote address is 40 minutes long.
- We are looking for: Dynamic public speakers who are recognized thought-leaders with a vision of the future and who can motivate the audience to continuously improve customer service.
How to Submit a Proposal
- Review the following track and session information- The details are meant as a guide, they are not meant to be perspective session abstracts.
- Complete a proposal submission form by December 3, 2021. Please complete one form for each potential session.
- Look for an email from Lauren Holubec(lholubec@harrisburgu.edu) in the middle of December with the next steps, including scheduling calls between confirmed speakers and the planning team.
Keynote: In addition to setting the stage & tone for the day, the keynote should address the questions below and could be focused less on lean-specific concepts and more on change management concepts. Please note that the keynote address should be more visionary and less technical.
- What is the cultural/behavioral shift needed to create an environment for lean to thrive?
- How do we best achieve success in building an engaged and empowered workforce and a 21st-century workplace?
- How can we best improve the customer experience?
- How can we create and promote a truly “healthy government”?
Track & Sessions: We are looking for the following track sessions, listed by track theme and subject.
Track One: Purpose
How do we better engage and inspire public servants through the noble mission of government? How do we reinvigorate trust in government among the public? This track will explore topics related to engaging public servants and the people they serve in defining and communicating the mission, vision, and goals of government organizations.
Track Two: Process
How do we improve the flow of value through government systems and processes? How do we design public services with the people they impact, so that government works better for them? This track will explore topics related to the design and improvement of government processes, systems, and services, with an emphasis on the lived experiences of the people who work in them and use them.
Track Three: Management Systems
How do we use data and metrics to create visibility into complex organizations? How can management routines like huddles and “going to the place where the work is done” improve government decision-making and performance? This track will explore topics related to managing the work of government organizations through sets of routines and practices that combine data with discussion and deliberation.
Track Four: Capability
How do we support every employee’s development into an effective problem solver? How do we support every leader’s development into an effective sponsor, coach, and mentor? This track will explore topics related to professional development, leadership development, and building organizations committed to continuous learning.
Track Five: Human-Centered Mindset and Culture
How do we create a culture in government that puts people—both employees and members of the public—at the center of our work? How do we overcome fear and foster a workplace culture where every employee feels safe to innovate and motivated to bring their best in the service of the public? This track will explore topics related to Lean as a human-centered approach to government, as well as the challenges and rewards to delivering on this vision in practice.